Clash of military forces on the border of Hengjal-Baneh
Clash of military forces on the border of Hengjal-Baneh
Orumiyeh/ Massoud Hajizadeh is back in jail
Orumiyeh/ Massoud Hajizadeh is back in jail
Saqqez/ A mine explosion injured a citizen
Saqqez/ A mine explosion injured a citizen
Gilan Gharb/ War ammunition took the life of a female citizen
Gilan Gharb/ War ammunition took the life of a female citizen
Sardasht/ Arrest of two Kurdish citizens by security forces
Sardasht/ Arrest of two Kurdish citizens by security forces
Summoning and arresting a citizen from Oshnavieh by the Intelligence Department
Summoning and arresting a citizen from Oshnavieh by the Intelligence Department
Three Kurdish citizens were arrested by security forces in Bukan
Three Kurdish citizens were arrested by security forces in Bukan
Shahin Dej/ Arrest of seven citizens by security forces
Shahin Dej/ Arrest of seven citizens by security forces
Two Kurdish citizens were arrested by security forces in Bukan
Two Kurdish citizens were arrested by security forces in Bukan
Orumieh: execution of three Kurdish prisoners
Orumieh: execution of three Kurdish prisoners
Three Kurdish citizens, including a Sunni cleric, were arrested by security forces in Piranshahr and Sardasht
Three Kurdish citizens, including a Sunni cleric, were arrested by security forces in Piranshahr and Sardasht
Summoning and arresting "Seyd Ayub Mousavi", a former political prisoner in Oshnavieh
Summoning and arresting "Seyd Ayub Mousavi", a former political prisoner in Oshnavieh